Congratulations to Drs. Ramin AmirNovin, Scott Lederhaus, and Jose Rodriguez for being named on as one of the top 5% Neurological Surgeons.
Dr. McDonald, who originally established the neurosurgical practice that has grown to become INI, passed away peacefully on March 10, 2023. INI celebrates his life by continued dedication to the local care.
Dr. Ye Obtained his Medical Degree from Cleveland Clinic's prestigious College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve and continued his Neurosurgical training at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.
He is a fellowship trained neurosurgeon sub-specializing in Neurointerventional/Neuroendovascular Surgery. He is uniquely able to assess and treat strokes, aneurysms, ArterioVenous Malformations (AVM), and vascular lesions with both...